Green Finance

Here are some publications I have authored on green finance while I worked at Climate Bonds Initiative

Greening the Financial System: Tilting the Playing Field is a report on how  central banks can use their prudential regulation and monetary policy powers to encourage banks to stop lending to fossil fuels and encourage low-carbon lending to reduce the risk of stranded assets, October 2019

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks analysis of lending and bond issuance by ASEAN banks to carbon-intensive industries. Also includes suggestions on policies to reorientate lending to greener alternatives, May 2022

Identifying, managing and disclosing climate-related financial risks: Options for the Reserve Bank of India lending and bond issuance by Indian banks to high carbon sectors. Also looks at the coal dependency of Indian power generation.

Financial instruments for retrofitting buildings in Europe – work undertaken for the EuroPACE consortium about novel debt financing models for retrofit. We looked at case studies from Spain, Netherlands and Germany at how governments have provided low-interest refinance to stimulate the retrofit of homes

Moving from growth to development: financing Indian green investment – short report for the Indian think tank Observer Research Foundation about how India can use green bonds to finance its massive infrastructure needs

Financing India’s Energy Transition – report co-authored with the excellent Indian NGO Council for Energy, Environment and Water. The focus was identifying the investment need in power generation and electrification of transport and  examining the adequacy of different funding sources, June 2019